KC IT Symposium – Special Offer
Invest Minutes. Save Thousands.
Schedule your FREE Microsoft Licensing Review today!

We all know Microsoft licensing can be as difficult to understand as the technology itself. Considering the ever-evolving Microsoft ecosystem, it’s easy to understand why setting and forgetting your Microsoft licensing can lead to unnecessary costs and missed opportunities to leverage all the technologies you are paying for.
The Microsoft certified licensing consultants at Oakwood will save you time and money. We’ve found that by giving us just 30 minutes of your time we can show you how to optimize your software deployments, entitlements, usage, and contracts so as to maximize your return on investment. We do this full-time so you don’t have to!
We save our clients, on average, $10,000 per year!

Are you paying for under utilized or unused subscription licenses?
Are you taking advantage of Azure Hybrid Benefit & Reserved Instances?
Have I profiled my users or do I simply have the same license type for everyone regardless of need?
Do I have a complete inventory of our volume licensing?