Microsoft 365 Threat Protection
Helping you secure your most critical assets
Did you know the average organization experiences 2.7 threats each month within Office 365 including:
1.3 compromised accounts each month – such as an unauthorized third party logging in to a corporate Office 365 account using stolen credentials
0.8 insider threats each month – such as a user downloading sensitive data from SharePoint Online and taking it when they join a competitor
0.6 privileged user threats each month – such as an administrator provisioning excessive permissions to use a user relative to their role
We understand the nature of threats both inbound and outbound, and we also understand that your security solution can’t get in the way of people just trying to do their jobs. That’s why we have designed approaches to simplify things like user alerts and suspicious activity monitoring that allow you and your users to filter out the noise and just get their jobs done securely. We can either layer in additional protections to supplement your existing solutions or help you adopt an entirely new cloud-native security posture…oftentimes while saving you money and headaches along the way.
At Oakwood, we do secure Microsoft 365.
What do you want to be able to secure today?